Setting new standards with unprecedented onboarding and customer service

customer service icon and 5 stars, moxiworks logo

As 2023 officially fades in the rearview mirror and we gear up to head into Q2, I’ve had a chance to take a step back and reflect on the complexities and triumphs last year threw the real estate industry’s way. To say it was a lot is an understatement.

As a proptech partner to so many incredible real estate brokerages and their agents, we were on a wild ride right alongside you. The ups and downs, the good times and bad. But that’s what we’re here for. And that’s why we do what we do.

Customer care has always been a top priority at MoxiWorks. Whether you’re an enterprise client with thousands of agents, or a smaller independent brokerage crushing the most transactions in your community with a small but mighty crew, our customer team is solely focused on helping make you and your agents as productive (and happy) as possible.

I may seem biased since I work so closely with our clients and our customer team, but I’m not just saying this. The numbers speak for themselves.

In 2023 our support teams across the board crushed it. Our customer support satisfaction score was over 90% every month in 2023. Every. Single. Month.

In Q3 we scored a whopping 95.6% and in Q4 94%.

Something else that I will look back on as a humongous, gargantuan win in 2023 is our onboarding team. They are the frontline crew who make sure every brokerage who joins the Moxiverse has a running head start. We recognize that implementing new technology is never the only thing a brokerage has happening, and the name of the game is make it seamless. Not only did this team improve our time-to-value (aka onboarding time) from 32 days to 20 days, they also received an average NPS score of 63 throughout the year (the industry average is 41) AND they wrapped up the year with a perfect 100 in Q4. And you know why? Not only because our people are great, but because we understand that the tech itself is only as effective as the implementation and use of it, which is why we invest so heavily in onboarding and customer care.

We know if you’re investing in tech you want to get the most out of it. And with Moxi, you will. Let us spearhead your 2024 success story.

You’ve got this and we’ve got you.

Get the essential tools to outperform in any market

The MoxiWorks Essentials package combines three powerful products for agents to automate marketing from sphere to sale.

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